Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksvember 24 - My Kitties

Even though most of the time they are obnoxious, today I am thankful for my two kitties. They always know when you need a cat on your lap... Which they think is always. They always remind me to take a break when I'm working too hard by sitting on what I'm reading or hollering for me to feed them. And they always let me know when I'm staying up too late by staring at me until I move to the bed. They're my kitties and I love them!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksvember 23 - Bryan

Today I give thanks for my youngest brother Bryan. We share great memories growing up together - mostly me torturing you & making you play with me. Ian glad you have become successful as a manager & that you have found happiness with Cassie. May God bless you both as you honor Him with your relationship. Love you!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksvember 22 - Thanksgiving!

All month I have been writing each day about someone or something I'm thankful for & it's because of today. I am so glad that with all the holidays we have big & small that we have one to remind us to be thankful. Today reminds us to be thankful of the friends & family we have lost, to be thankful for those we still have, for the things we have, & for the opportunities we have each day to share Christ with others. We forget that there are those who don't get a yummy turkey meal today, right here at home in the States, not to mention those all over the world.

Today I am thankful for Thanksgiving reminding me of all I have to be thankful for & I am going to continue for the rest of this month to remind myself of other things I am thankful for. I hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksvember 21 - Lifelong Friends

Today I am thankful for lasting friendships. One of those friends' birthday is today, Bekah Parham. We've been the best of friends since we first met when I was in the seventh grade. She's been one of the best friends I've ever had. We have so many memories together! Whether drinking Dr. Pepper and having burping contests or watching awesome movies (Mickey Blue Eyes, French Kiss, The Labyrinth, etc.) I love you so much!!! Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksvember 20 - Change

Today I am thankful for change. From an anthropological standpoint we naturally rebel against change, but change is inevitable in our lives & quite necessary. Change brought me and my mom closer together. Change brought Tj & I here to Virginia. Change brought me to a new job that I just know I'm going to love. As I meet new people and am introduced to new things both here and when I travel around the world I constantly change how I think about things and myself as I try to adopt things from those cultures in to who I am. I am so thankful for these changes.

The Bible teaches us about change too. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that anyone who is in Christ is a new creation; the old is passed away and the new has come! Romans 12 also speaks of daily change by renewing your mind. As we grow in our relationships with Christ he changes us, and praise the Lord He does! I am so glad He doesn't leave me as I am but that He loves me enough to bring change in my life.

I hope that I never stop changing to be more like Him.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksvember 19 - Do Nothing Days

Today I am thankful for days like I've had today where I don't have to rush around & then on to the next thing. Sometimes I find that I overfill my life with so many things that I barely have a chance to just enjoy them. Today I was productive but I wasn't rushing around from one thing to the next. Hooray for days like today!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thanksvember 18 - Jim Bodnar

Today I am thankful for Jim Bodnar, my father-in-law. I am thankful for all the ways you have helped Tj and I make repairs around the house. Truly you are a blessing to us both. Thank you for raising Tj into such a Godly man and husband. Thanks for all the laughs (even the corny dad jokes) and for all the encouragement. May God richly bless you and Brenda for all the ways you serve Him! Love you!

Thanksvember 17 - Mom B!

Today is my awesome mother-in-law's birthday and I want to thank her for being such an awesome mom. I hope your birthday was terrific!

Thanks for all the things you do for us & for always being so thoughtful. I've learned so much from you over the past few years about what being a Godly woman looks like & what an excellent wife looks like. Your a wonderful mom & a wonderful friend to have.

Thanks for being just the way you are. I love you & Thanksvember 17th goes to you!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thanksvember 16 - Katie B

Today I am thankful for my sister-in-law Katie Bodnar who is the coolest and smartest person I know. I love that we live closer together now so that we get to spend more time together. You are so supportive and eager to help in all my crazy schemes - like taking the GRE! You work hard and are successful because of it. I love that we share a passion for people of all walks of life and I especially love your passion for the deaf community. One day we will go to South Africa together. You are inspiring and have one of the biggest hearts of anyone I know.

I also love the fact that we always find a way to be goofy together. I was looking through my facebook pics the other day we we have dozens and dozens of hilarious pics. Just like the pictures, you always brighten my day.

I love that we share taste in movies & literature - it's nice to have someone to go see the weird movies with! I couldn't ask for a more perfect sister-in-law & I hope we have many more movie nights together!!! (And that we rock the GRE!) Love you!!

At the Aquarium - this is a great pic of us & what a fun day!

Another awesome picture of beautiful you!!!

One of the many, many goofy pics we have together. : )

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thanksvember 15 - PULSE Youth!

Today I am thankful for our students at PULSE (Prepare Unite Love Serve Expand - the name of our youth ministry). We've been here about two and a half years and I have loved watching you guys grow in your relationships with Christ. I love watching you guys serve each other and our community. I am so privileged to be a part of each of your lives. You guys keep me coming each week!

We've had a lot of laughs and a lot of tears, and I wouldn't trade this time for the world! I pray God's blessing over each of your lives and I know that He has great plans for you all. Love you guys!

Loving hungry at the 30 Hour Famine.

One of the largest evangelistic tools our church does - and you guys make it happen!

Our first international youth mission trip to Jamaica with Praying Pelican Missions!!

Sacrificing and serving in the rain at Project RAKE in PA.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thanksvember 14 - South Africa

Today I am thankful for the time I have been privileged to spend in South Africa. And to think that I passed up an opportunity a few years back - I can't imagine who I'd be now if I'd never gone.

There is something about Africa that steals your heart. The people and culture of South Africa is vibrant and magnificent. The landscape is epic - just think Lion King and multiply by 10. I love the food, the languages, and the traditions.

I have been privileged to serve in Bloemfontein twice and intend to be there again this fall. Each time they teach me something new and I always try to bring a piece of South Africa home with me. The first year I was there I was blown away by the worship of the people - sometimes church services were four or five hours long! I know to some of us westerners that sounds like an infringement on our lunch time, but while you are in the midst of the presence of the Lord in one of their services you barely notice the time. The songs they sing are tremendous and indescribably beautiful. And when they worship, they dance. (That was something I brought back with me.) They dance to glorify the Lord and it is wonderful.

One thing I particularly enjoy when we are in church there is that when the Pastor says to pray, everyone prays out loud at the same time. If I had to guess what Heaven will sound like, I have a feeling it might come close to what I heard in Africa. Many different tongues proclaiming the sovereignty and glory and majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ all at once. The first time I was a little surprised since I am used to so much structure in prayer. The second time, however I just listened. I listened to the heart of a people hungry for Him and His Presence. The third time and from then on, I joined them in their prayers and wept at the honor to join them at the throne. I imagine it was an aroma pleasing to the Lord.

There aren't enough words for me to adequately describe to you my experiences in South Africa, and the pictures barely capture the stories. I would encourage you to come with me next time, or come on one of Praying Pelican's several trips to South Africa. I promise you'll never be the same - and you will be glad for it.

Praying Pelican Missions

I told you - like the Lion King times 10.

One of my favorite things to do when in SA- love on the children.

One day, I'm going to ride a giraffe. Just wait and see.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thanksvember 13 - My Best Friend Becca

Today is my best friend Becca's birthday and I am thankful for her! I love that we have become so close over the past few years, especially this last year. I love that we can't go a conversation without laughing about something. It's been so fun serving beside you at church in Sunday School and Dance Team and at all the youth events we have. God is doing a great work in your life and shaping you into a Godly woman!

I love that we share a passion for missions and that you have been my partner in fundraising so many times - you're like my right hand! It's always a ton of work, but somehow you manage to make it fun! I loved serving in Jamaica with you, and it was an honor to be in South Africa with you too. India is going to be epic (we are so going to ride an elephant!) ... right after we're done fundraising! Lol. I'm surprised we ever actually get anything done because we goof off so much, but that's what makes it all work.

So many new traditions, like mandatory polar plunge at the Anta Boga hotel in Bloemfontein and candying everything we can think of at New Year's! I hope we'll have many more years of traditions to come. And what about all of our inventions, like Wabapala?! What would this world be like without leotu jivay?! Forks - need I say more?

There are so many things about you that I admire, like the size of your heart and your passion for people. When you see someone in need you don't hesitate to help. I admire your passion and love for Christ & am so proud in how much you've grown in your walk with Him. You are super talented in so many things but you never take the glory for it - you always credit Christ for your accomplishments. You have an uncanny ability to connect with and relate to people from all walks of life and you do an especially great job with our teens at church. You work hard & you play hard too!

I am so glad that God brought us together. Thank you for being such an awesome best friend and happy birthday!!! May God continue to richly bless your life and your family.

One of my favorite pics of Becca that gives great insight into who she is and how big her heart is.

Hahah! I love this pic because it's just so goofy! No one else was concerned about collecting Coke cans like we were. Or as obsessed as we were with Manna Chips!

There's a bit of ninja in all of us ... I guess I am rubbing off on you! Lol

Notice the candied cookie & potato chip : )

Thanksvember 12 - Our Veterans & My Brother Skip

Today I am most thankful for the men and women who sacrifice their service to make sure I can continue to enjoy the freedoms I have. I am also thankful for their families, who equally sacrifice so that their loved one can serve.

I am particularly proud and thankful of my brother Skip for serving our country faithfully since he was old enough to enlist. My brother has already served two tours over in hot zones and is preparing to possibly take a third. He is braver than anyone else I know and I am incredibly thankful for his sacrifices.

I am proud to be an American and proud of our men and women in uniform!

Tj, Skip, & I before he left for his 2nd tour. So proud!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thanksvember 11 - My Best Friend Hannah

Hannah and I have been best friends since college. I can honestly say I don't think I would have made it through without her. We have shared each other's ups & downs, successes & failures, hopes & dreams - sometimes we've over-shared. : )

We've fought each other's battles (mine you fought with a box of Dots & yours involved a tiara... good times!) I know that no matter where this life takes either of us, ours is a friendship forged for always; I got your back. You are an inspiration & encouragement to me always.

There are just too many laughs to be able to share in one short blog, and no one would understand half of them anyway... "Pirates, right. Got it." I'm laughing as I write this just thinking about all the hilarious things we've gotten ourselves into. So glad to have shared those memories with you.

I am so VERY excited for you and Edward as you two begin your family (still praying for twins, lol) and can't wait to spoil your little one(s) with lots and lots of love! I pray always that God will continue to bless you and your family as only He can. You know I love you as a sister and I hope that one day we can continue our epic Giant Nutcracker Battle as neighbors!

Hannah & I, January 20, 2007

Baby Arrow!

Just too cute to pass up!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thanksvember 10 - Sunday School Ladies

Today I am thankful for the ladies in my Sunday School class. I think that each and every one of them are fabulous and that God has a specific plan picked out for each of their lives. For the past two years I have enjoyed getting to know them and pour into their lives, and they into mine.

Whether or not any of them realize it they are a constant encouragement to me in my own spiritual walk. To know that they are growing in their relationship with Christ keeps me seeking and pursuing Him more so that I can be a good example for them. I am thankful for the privilege to pray for them each day and hear their hearts throughout the week. I look forward to Sundays because I know that not only are we going to get into the Word together, but that we are going to laugh doing it! Teaching you ladies with Becca and Faith gives me joy.

I love that you all are willing to go out of your way to share Christ's love with those around you. I admire your courage to share Christ with your friends, knowing that they might reject you. I love your compassion for others around the globe who don't have the things you do and your willingness to give through organizations like Operation Christmas Child. And the work you put in to doing missions here at home as well as overseas.

I have learned a lot from each and every one of you over the past few years and I know you aren't done teaching me yet. So to each of my ladies in Sunday School, Thanksvember 10th is for you! I pray God's blessing over your lives as you continue to follow after Him.

Just a few of us who packed our class' Operation Christmas Child Box!

Becca setting the example & helping keep our youth building clean!

Even though Kaylah doesn't feel awesome, she's doing her part. : )

Oh, Faith. So glad Ellie was there to supervise you.

Hanging out after all of our hard work today making s'mores.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Thanksvember 9 - Aunt Susie

Today I am thankful for my Aunt Susie. She recently celebrated her 89th birthday and I have never met a woman more devoted to Christ than her. Not only does she know the Word of God, but she lives the Word. Never have I heard a negative word come from her mouth about another person. In the time I have known her I have only been encouraged by her speech and life. She puts herself second to everyone else always. She lives each day for Christ and to be more like Him. I have no doubt that when she stands before Jesus, his words to her will be, "Well done."

This world would be better with more people like her. May she see many more birthdays to come and touch many more lives with her kindness and love for Christ!

Aunt Susie's in the middle next to me. I just love her!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thanksvember 8 - Givers

I know that Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks, but on this 8th day of November, I am thankful for those who give. All that I am able to do, particularly in missions, is because of someone who gave of their time or money. I am thankful for those who give by purchasing from my various fundraisers - special thanks to all of you who have humored me and bought Kukui Nut jewelry, donuts, and Yankee Candle! I am also thankful for those of you who have given just to give, without expecting anything in return. I am especially thankful for those of you who pray for me and my team while we are preparing and while we are gone.And also for those of you who help in all of my fundraising projects, giving of your time to make it happen. All the success of each mission trip is because of each and every one of you.

So while I can never repay you, I can give thanks for all you've sacrificed to give. I expect that when you get to heaven crowds of people will thank you that you never met because you had a part in someone else going and sharing the gospel.

Thanks for helping me get to South Africa twice & help disciple teens like Hopolan, Agnes, & Elizabeth.

Thanks for helping me meet children like DiJonay and Lamesha, giving me the opportunity to show them the love of Christ in Jamaica!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thanksvember 7 - New Beginnings

Today, as I reflect on yesterday's election I am thankful for new beginnings. I have another chance to pray for President Obama more than I did his last term. I have another chance to pray for our country and leadership more than I did over the last four years. To be honest with you, in my life until elections became at the forefront of the news, I hadn't been praying for our President like I should have been. So I am thankful today for another chance to do so. 

As I wrap up my time serving at Lifeway, I am thankful for the new beginning at Praying Pelican Missions. To have this opportunity to not only serve on the mission field, but to help others do the same excites me and refreshes my spirit. I am thankful that God doesn't call the equipped, but rather equips the called, because only He can strengthen me for this new journey.

But I don't have to wait for an "official new beginning" to make changes to my life. Each and every day I have a new beginning, another chance to bring glory to God. Lamentations 3:22-23 says, "Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness!" Every day is another chance to live the day for His glory.

There is a passage in Ephesians 4 that speaks on new beginnings too that reiterates this idea of each day being a new beginning. Ephesians 4:23-24 reads, "You are being renewed in the spirit of your minds; you put on the new self, the one created according to God’s likeness in righteousness and purity of the truth." The tense in this passage is present perfect, which means that it is a continuous thing, so each day we are renewed and each day we put on our new self - the one like Christ. So each day, let's agree to praise God for another opportunity to serve Him and I am going to take this opportunity to genuinely pray for our President that God would give him guidance and wisdom as he leads our country. Thank you Jesus for new beginnings!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thanksvember 6 - My Right & Responsibility

Today I am thankful for my right to vote. It wasn't always so apparent to me why voting was such a big deal, but the older I get the more I realize that not only is it my right to vote, but it is also my responsibility to do so. Sometimes I think we forget that not every one has the opportunity to participate in their country's government.

I think this concept of right and responsibility applies to our spiritual lives as well. Not only is it my right to share Christ openly (which many countries don't allow) but even more it is my responsibility to do so. Eternity is at stake for individuals all over the world and I must share. If someone hadn't done that for me, I would still be living in darkness. Romans 10:13-15 tells us, "For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. But how can they call on Him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about Him? And how can they hear without a preacher? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who announce the gospel of good things!" I must respond as Isaiah did without hesitation, "Here I am, Lord. Send me." This doesn't just mean going overseas; this is right here, right now, right where we are. I may be the only chance someone else has to hear about Christ.

While my vote in this election is significant, it is not the most important choice I will make today. The most important choice I will make today is whether or not I will take the opportunities I am given to share Christ with the people I encounter. 

So go vote and exercise your right and responsibility, and while you're in line share Christ with those around you!

Go vote!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thanksvember 5 - My Mom

Today I am thankful for my mom. Things weren't always easy, but somehow we always managed to get through. And now, she is one of my best friends. I know that I can call her any time just to talk & she's going to be there. She has been an immense encouragement to me too, especially the past few years.

My mom is one of the most awesome people you will ever be lucky enough to meet. She is unique and absolutely insane - I inherited that from her. I could not have chosen a better person to be my mom.

There are a few funny things we do, out of love and tradition, to each other that make our relationship unique. For instance, my grandmother (her mom) would text us anytime she would eat at Arby's, just to share the love. Eventually, the texts became picture messages of the delicious sandwich she was about to devour. After my grandmother passed, my mother and I went to Arby's for lunch to honor Grandma's memory. I think it was that moment that we decided the tradition would continue to war with us. So from then on, every time one of us eats at Arby's, we send a picture to the other to let them know we love them and are eating Arby's, and sometimes Denny's too. (If anyone has ever done this to you, then you know that it infuriates you because then all you want is what they are eating!) The funny thing is, that when my husband and I go to eat at Arby's he reminds me to text her!

Another thing we do, that most people would find weird, is every time we pass a Pepsi truck or factory we yell, "Catch the wave, Pepsi!" and do the wave. This usually startles everyone else in the car and makes for a good laugh. We are die-hard Pepsi drinkers until Jesus comes.

My mom is not a cookie-cutter mom, and she has a testimony that only God can receive glory for. You'll never meet another person like her and I am so glad that she is my mom.

My mom & I rocking our animal hats!

My mom right before she got her nose pierced; "Is this going to hurt?"

Mom afterwards, "Christina Ann! That did hurt!" Oh, mom.

My mom and Aunt Janet (her sister) at the Daffodil Festival in Arkansas.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thanksvember 4 - Tears

I know it may sound a bit funny, but today I am thankful for tears. Those of you who know me well know that I don't cry. At all. Growing up tears were a sign of weakness and I did not want to be seen as weak. So I learned to suck it up and turn the tears off. But much more recently I have discovered the healing and joy that can be found in tears.

Yesterday, I was caught completely off guard by a surprise birthday party with friends and Tj's family (my fam lives pretty far away). But the real shock was that my dad walked out of the crowd! I was so surprised that I burst into tears ... in front of everyone. But these tears were not a sign of weakness, but rather of my love for my dad and his sacrifice to drive 8 hours to be at my birthday party. Of course I made my father feel horrible that he made me cry, but the tears were worth it.

This morning I had another surprise that culminated in tears. One of my bestest friends, Hannah Arrow, called me to say that she and her husband Edward are having a baby. The joy and love I felt for them in that moment could not have been contained, and again, I burst into tears. Years of praying and long conversations and sorrow, were suddenly replaced with joy ... and tears. I dare say, there was healing in these tears.

I am reminded that Jesus wept too. And I am sure that he shed many tears out of joy as well. And if my life is supposed to be a reflection of him, then I guess tears are a necessary part of that image, and today I am thankful for them.

My awesome surprise giraffe cupcake cake!

Oh, the joy of surprises.

Hannah and I goofing off (as usual) at the Cliff's. The only thing I miss from then is her!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thanksvember 3 - My Dad

If there is one person who really equipped me with the skills for life, it is my Dad. He's not the kind of guy to boast or puff himself up, but I can brag on him a bit. : )

My dad gave me a solid work ethic by allowing me to work while in high school to learn financial responsibility and how to juggle a large work load. If he hadn't done that, I don't think I would have survived college or even the things I do now. He shaped me into an independent adult, who knows she can still go to her daddy for anything - and I do, especially with car issues.

I joke and say that my car is going to live forever. And if it does, it is because of him. First, let me just say that my dad has a gift with mechanics. I can call him and say my car is making a boom, screech, click sound and my dad will know what it is (those are actually really funny conversations!) Your dad can speak 2 languages? Well, my dad speaks car and he has saved me many a dollar in service fees. Thanks for all the late night brake jobs dad and for teaching me to change a tire.

I remember one night while I was in college, I was driving to pick up my paycheck from work and my car battery decided to die while I was inside. Turns out the battery acid had leaked and kept the posts from connecting to the battery. Surrounded by guys in the parking lot, none of them had the faintest idea how to change the battery. So what does every daddy's girl do? Call her father. My dad stepped me through basing the battery acid so that my tires wouldn't melt to the pavement and through changing my battery - over the phone! My dad is the greatest.

He has also been super supportive of my mission work, both financially and morally. Every time I go, I know he is praying for me each day and he is such a good listener when I talk about the trips. So thankful for his support.

My dad loves my husband like a son & I couldn't ask for more than that. I never want to take that for granted.

My dad is a well of wisdom - I know that I can always go to him about anything and he is going to give me the best advice.

We just celebrated his 50th birthday by throwing him a surprise party. I pray that he will have many more years to come. So Thanksvember 3 is all about my dad and how lucky and blessed I am to have him as a father! Thanks for being a terrific dad!

Dad being goofy at his surprise 50th birthday party. : )

Ashley, Dad, me & Tj

My partners in crime for his surprise! Many thanks to Jimmy & Tiffany!!

Dad walking me down the isle. Doesn't he look handsome!

Thanksvember 2 - Girls Night Out

I am so very thankful for Girls Night Out. Sometimes you just need some time away from the stress that is everyday life to relax and reenergize. That's what tonight was for me. TBH I didn't really even feel like going out tonight, but I look forward to time when I can just hang out away from all the missions fundraising & work & church stuff. And it always seems like just the right combination of friends come each time. Tonight was dinner, skee-ball, & basket ball at Jillian's and I couldn't have needed that more. (Besides that, skee-ball is AWESOME.)

So here's to my friends who just find time to hang out - Thanksvember 2 goes to you!

Each duckie represents one of us at Jillian's tonight.
Colonial Duckie - Katie, Glamorous Duckie - Becca, Cowgirl Duckie - Faith, & Green Duckie - me!
Honorary participant in GNO Jacob is Military Duckie : )

Becca and I at the Feeding Scheme in South Africa - we find time to goof off even while working!

New Year's 2012 - Nikki, Katie, me, & Becca

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thanksvember 1 - My Hubby Bubby

I'm taking the lead from a fellow Pelican and trying to post one thing every day that I am thankful for; something tangible but not something I can necessarily buy. I think she called it "Thanksvember." :-)

What better way to start off Thanksvember than mentioning my best friend, partner-in-crime, and hubby buddy, Tj Bodnar. We were married on January 20, 2007 at the church we now serve at in Chesapeake, VA. Who would have guessed the path the Lord would lead us down? Ours has been filled with adventure, sorrow, snowy days, and lots of laughter. I couldn't ask for a better person to walk with through life. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't make me laugh, encourage, or support me. Marriage wasn't a part of my plan, but I'm so glad that it was part of His for our lives. May God grant us many more years! <3

Our wedding January 20, 2007

At the aquarium

He humors me...

Shark attack!

Just a fun one - at the aquarium.

 (I got a little carried away with the pics, but they are all so good! For even more plus some hilarious videos check out facebook.)