My first time flying first class was great. Comfy seats, free snacks, lots of leg room (not that at 5'4" I need extra leg room, but hey it was nice.) The anthropologist in me couldn't help surveying the people around me and cataloging some of the differences between first class and coach. One interesting difference was in the conversations I encountered. Most talk was shallow and didn't stray far from Hilton vs Marriott or US vs Delta. No one seemed to be too interested in anything other than business. I was surrounded by success, business owners, share holders, and VPs, but felt no connection with anyone.
I got bored with their conversations and began to drift off to sleep just about the time it started raining. And then the conversations shifted to what an inconvenience the rain was going to be in getting to their business meetings. When we landed the captain explained that because of the lightening we and about 60 other airplanes were sitting on the tarmac and we were going to be delayed for sure. Suddenly, first class was on their phones rebooking their flights and complaining to the flight attendants about the delay.
If I wasn't out of place already, now I really was. I welcomed the rain, delayed flight and all. Sometimes we need a delay - the people surrounding me clearly needed to slow down. I settled into my comfy first class seat and decided to enjoy the extra few minuets I would get to enjoy the experience (meanwhile the lady in the seat next to me was busy yelling at the customer service agent about having to have a first class seat.)
Turns out I made my flight and did so without rushing and stressing about it. I am glad that recently God has been slowing me down and teaching me to rest in Him. I may not have enjoyed my first class experience at all otherwise. I wouldn't say that the others in first class with me this morning enjoyed their flights at all. How many times am I so distracted by my to do list that I don't even notice that I am missing out on a great experience? "Be still & know that I am God." Ps 46:10
It was back to coach for my connecting flight, but I didn't mind. I had wonderful conversations with those seated around me. We shared purchased snacks and some good laughs. I may have had more comforts in first class, but nothing replaces genuinely sharing life with others, even for a brief moment on a plane to Jamaica.