Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Mentor Gone Home

This week the Lord called home a very influential person in my life, Bob Hougasian. I might never have gotten to know Bob, if not for a mandatory assignment to fulfill the graduation requirements of my BA degree. We were required, as anthropology majors with a focus on missions to participate in an overseas mission trip. We could choose the location and duration of the trip, but the assignment was not optional. My home church at the time only participated in domestic missions, so I began to branch out and seek another church who might allow me to serve beside them. My boyfriend's mom, now husband, suggested I try to connect with their church's missions department. They had many trip options, including Argentina, South Africa, and China. The Argentina trip was not at a convenient time for me, and I was petrified of going to South Africa - which is humorous because I now love South Africa and have since been twice and will continue to go. So it was settled, I would go to China.

After raising the money required to participate in the trip, I found myself traveling with a group of strangers to an even stranger land. But these strangers would soon become lifelong friends and mentors. Bob was one of these individuals. I had studied the mechanics of evangelism in foreign countries, specifically China, but head knowledge is so very far from practical experience. Bob came alongside me during our time in China and helped me turn my knowledge and passion for sharing the gospel into action. I watched as Bob skillfully presented the love of Christ to so many with passion and intensity. He was clear and to the point, while genuinely engaging the individual he was witnessing to. He was familiar with the culture and customs, and was careful to be considerate of their worldview but always left the person with a choice and with the knowledge that he cared for them dearly.

I gained more valuable information watching Bob than I had in almost 4 years of college studying missions. His words of encouragement to me while overseas continued once we were home as well. Bob became ill shortly after we returned home and fought a long battle with sickness. But even in that time, his love for the Lord only grew and he continued to take every opportunity to share Christ with those around him. Bob was a great mentor to me and I will miss him dearly, but always look fondly on the time we spent together in China and cherish the impact he had on my life. I look forward to seeing him again in glory.

Part of our mission team in Sun City, China 2006. Bob is on the left with the backpack on. : )

A shot of Bob's legendary backpack - he was always prepared. Pastor Mark says that if an elephant had jumped out on the street, Bob would have had an elephant gun and tranquilizer at the ready.

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